When you think about all of the assets that you have acquired throughout your life, what they all have in common is that they all require some level of care and attention. When you buy a car you are signing up to be sure that you are getting the car regular oil changes and tune-ups, new brakes when it needs them, and so on. When you buy a home you have to be sure that you are doing your due diligence to replace the roof when it is needed, ensuring the foundation remains in sound shape. A central air conditioning system also falls under these categories as an asset that needs a certain level of care and attention. A tune-up is something you always want to try and have done for your air conditioning system on a regular basis. Going through with this tune-up can help you avoid Jacksonville AC repair needs and related costs.
The calendar should be marked on an annual basis to be sure that you are having your air conditioning tuned up. Typically this is going to be done right before peak air conditioning season arrived, meaning before the May, June, July, and August timeframe. Once you get to these hot summer months, a central air conditioning tune-up can still help, but any issues that a tune-up would detect or correct wouldn’t be picked up on until later when damage could have already been done. You never want to forget about your central air conditioning system and how important a tune-up can be. There are many reasons to why a tune-up is something you never want to forget about when it comes to your central air conditioning system.
A Full System Inspection
One of the biggest benefits that come with a central air conditioning system tune-up is that you are going to get a comprehensive system inspection. When your central air system goes through a tune-up, you are going to be getting one of our professionals on-site to your home to give your central air system a complete run-down. We will be looking at everything from the filter to the coils, to all of the different components, air ducts, and so on. This type of inspection can be very valuable as it can help us detect any issues that you may have or do some maintenance that can help you prevent the need for Jacksonville AC repair.
Cleaning of the Coils
The coils are what allow your central air conditioning system to create all of that tremendous cold air. When you allow us to perform a tune-up on your system you are going to be sure that your coils, which produce the cold air, are clean as can be. This cleanliness is going to allow your system to work as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Making Sure the Parts are Lubricated
Just like your car needs its oil replaced to be able to stay lubricated as it continues to run, the mechanical parts of your central air conditioning system also need to maintain this level of lubrication, just not with oil directly. When you have your system go through a tune-up you are going to be allowing us to lubricate all of the moving mechanical parts of the central air system to avoid any issues.
Cleaning the Condensate Line
The condensate line is also extremely important in terms of being able to create cold air and pump it into your home. That’s what the whole goal of your central air conditioning system is, so making sure that the line where the air flows in are clean is about as important as it gets. This is another area of focus for a tune-up of your central air conditioning system.
A HVAC tune-up is something that can be extremely valuable for your central air conditioning system. The tune-up can help you avoid costly Jacksonville AC repair and make sure that your system is always running as effectively and efficiently as it possibly can. Reach out to us and we can help you get set up on a regular central air conditioning tune-up schedule.